About Lisa Wohlleib

Lisa Wohlleib

Lisa Wohlleib, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®, is the founder of assetPARTNERS, Inc. (API), a firm specializing in assisting law firms and high-net-worth individuals navigate the financial complexities of divorce proceedings. With a distinct focus on divorce finance, Lisa expertly handles various responsibilities, including the valuation of assets and liabilities, detailed income and expense calculations, thorough cash flow analysis, and the meticulous valuation of business interests. Her work extends to the crucial tasks of identifying potential fraud and uncovering lost or concealed assets.

Lisa's unique skill set, which blends accounting acumen with legal insight, ensures that she is adept at presenting information that resonates with lawyers, clients, and Courts alike, tailoring her communication to suit their needs and perspectives. Before founding API, Lisa held a significant role as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of a leading real estate development and management firm. Following the birth of her twin sons, she pivoted her career towards academia, imparting her knowledge in business and finance through teaching at local colleges. This experience in education has honed Lisa's ability to demystify complex financial concepts, making them accessible and understandable to her clients.

Lisa's comprehensive approach to handling financial disputes during divorce is not just about numbers and legal procedures; it's about providing empathetic, informed guidance through one of life's most challenging transitions.


  • Preparation of financial statements

  • Current and future cash flow analysis

  • Dissipation analysis

  • Identification of hidden assets

  • Analyze tax consequences of potential asset division proposals

  • Financial implications of prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements

  • Valuation of spousal and child support


  • Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana

  • Bachelor of Science

  • Certified Divorce Financial Analyst ®